Learn Consul

Source: https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/getting-started/consul-gs-intro
Tags: hashi devops consul

code underline strong :ship: #hashi

Install Consul

Installing Consul


Verifying the Installation

:shipit: Verify install


Run the Consul Agent

Server and Client Agents

:flashlight: Each Consul datacenter must have at least one server, which is responsible for maintaining Consul's state.

:warning: We highly discourage single-server production deployments.

:exclamation: In order to make sure that Consul's state is preserved even if a server fails, you should always run either three or five servers in production. The odd number of servers (and no more than five of them) strikes a balance between performance and failure tolerance. You can learn more about these requirements in Consul's Architecture Documentation https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html

:flashlight: A client must be running on every node in the Consul datacenter that runs services, since clients are the source of truth about service health.

When you're ready to got into production you can find more guidance on production deployment of servers and clients in this guide https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/datacenter-deploy/deployment-guide

:warning: Never run Consul in -dev mode in production.

Starting the Agent

:shipit: Start the Consul agent in development mode.

consul agent -dev

:warning: for OS X Users: Consul uses your hostname as the default node name. If your hostname contains periods, DNS queries to that node will not work with Consul. To avoid this, explicitly set the name of your node with the -node flag.

Datacenter Members

:shipit: Check the membership of Consul DataCenter

consul members

:flashlight: The members https://www.consul.io/docs/commands/members.html command runs against the Consul client, which gets its information via gossip protocol https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/gossip.html.

Gossip Protocol := a form of random "peer selection": with a given frequency, each machine picks another machine at random and shares any hot rumors.

:exclamation: The information that the client has is eventually consistent, but at any point in time its view of the world may not exactly match the state on the servers. For a strongly consistent view of the world, query the HTTP API https://www.consul.io/api/index.html, which forwards the request to the Consul servers.

:ship: Query nodes

curl localhost:8500/v1/catalog/nodes

In addition to the HTTP API, you can use the DNS interface https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/dns.html to discover the nodes.

The DNS interface will send your query to the Consul servers unless you've enabled caching. To perform DNS lookups you have to point to the Consul agent's DNS server, which runs on port 8600 by default. The format of the DNS entries (such as Judiths-MBP.node.consul) will be covered in more detail later.

:shipit: DNS Lookup to point to the Consul agent's DNS server

dig @ -p 8600 FQDN.node.consul

Stopping the Agent

:shipit: Stop the Consul agent by using the consul leave command.

consul leave

:flashlight: When you issue the leave command, Consul notifies other members that the agent left the datacenter. When an agent leaves, its local services running on the same node and their checks are removed from the catalog and Consul doesn't try to contact that node again.

:warning: If an agent is operating as a server, a graceful leave is important to avoid causing a potential availability outage affecting the consensus protocol https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html.

See the Adding and Removing Servers guide https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/day-2-operations/servers for details on how to safely add and remove servers.

Register a Service and Health Check - Service Discovery

:flashlight: One of the major use cases for Consul is service discovery. Consul provides a DNS interface that downstream services can use to find the IP addresses of their upstream dependencies.

Consul knows where these services are located because each service registers with its local Consul client. Operators can register services manually, configuration management tools can register services when they are deployed, or container orchestration platforms can register services automatically via integrations.

In this guide, you'll register a service and health check manually by providing Consul with a configuration file, and use Consul discover its location using the DNS interface and HTTP API. Manually registering a service will help you understand the information that your automation tooling will ultimately need to provide Consul in order to take advantage of service discovery.

Defining a Service

You can register services either by providing a service definition https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/services.html, which is the most common way to register services, or by making a call to the [HTTP API https://www.consul.io/api/agent/service.html#register-service.

:shipit: Create directory for configuration files

mkdir ./consul.d

Next, write a service definition configuration file. Pretend there is a service named "web" running on port 80. Use the following command to create a file called web.json in the configuration directory. This file will contain the service definition: name, port, and an optional tag you can use to find the service later on. (In this case copy the whole code block except for the $ to run the command and create the file.)

:shipit: Write a service definition configuration file

echo '{"service":
  { "name": "web",        # service name
    "tags": ["rails"],    # optional tag to find service
    "port": 80            # run on port 80
}'    > ./consul.d/web.json

:shipit: Restart the agent and enable script checks on the agent.

consul agent -dev -enable-script-checks -config-dir=./consul.d

:warning: Security Warning: Enabling script checks in some configurations may introduce a remote execution vulnerability which is known to be targeted by malware. In production we strongly recommend -enable-local-script-checks instead.

:warning: We never started a web service in this example. Consul can register services that aren't running yet. It correlates each running service with its registration based on the service's port.

In a multi-agent Consul datacenter, each service would register with its local Consul client, and the clients would forward the registration to the Consul servers, which maintain the service catalog.

If you wanted to register multiple services, you could create multiple service definition files in the Consul configuration directory.

Querying Services

via DNS Interface or HTTP API

DNS Interface

:ship: The fqdn is web.service.consul. Query the DNS interface for the registered service.

dig @ -p 8600 web.service.consul

As you can see, an A record was returned containing the IP address where the service was registered. A records can only hold IP addresses.

:flashlight: Since we started consul with a minimal configuration, the A record will return local host ( Set the Consul agent -advertise argument or the address field in the service definition https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/services.html if you want to advertise an IP address that is meaningful to other nodes in the datacenter.

:shipit: You can also use the DNS interface to retrieve the entire address/port pair as a SRV record.

dig @ -p 8600 web.service.consul SRV

:shipit: You can also use the DNS interface to filter services by tags. The format for tag-based service queries is TAG.NAME.service.consul.

dig @ -p 8600 rails.web.service.consul


:shipit: Query for the service using the HTTP API.

curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/web

The HTTP API lists all nodes hosting a given service.

:flashlight: As you will see later when we discuss health checks <#updating-services> you'll typically want to filter your query for only healthy service instances, which DNS does automatically under the hood. Filter your HTTP API query to look for only healthy instances.

:shipit: Query for the service filtering for healthy service instances

curl 'http://localhost:8500/v1/health/service/web?passing'

Updating Services

Next you'll update the web service by registering a health check for it.

Remember that because you never started a service on port 80 where you registered web, the health check you register will fail.

code underline strong

:flashlight: You can update service definitions without any downtime by changing the service definition file and sending a SIGHUP to the agent or running consul reload. Alternatively, you can use the HTTP API to add, remove, and modify services dynamically. In this example, you will update the registration file.

:shipit: Edit the registration file

echo '{ "service":
  {"name": "web",
    "tags": ["rails"],
    "port": 80,
    "check": {
      "args": ["curl", "localhost"],
      "interval": "10s"
}'      > ./consul.d/web.json

:flashlight: If the command exits with an exit code >= 2, then the check will fail and Consul will consider the service unhealthy. An exit code of 1 will be considered as warning state.

:shipit: Now reload Consul's configuration to make it aware of the new health check.

consul reload

Notice the following lines in Consul's logs, which indicate that the web check is critical.

    2019/08/06 16:35:03 [INFO] agent: Synced service "web"
    2019/08/06 16:35:03 [DEBUG] agent: Check "service:web" in sync
    2019/08/06 16:35:03 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2019/08/06 16:35:06 [WARN] agent: Check "service:web" is now critical
    2019/08/06 16:35:16 [WARN] agent: Check "service:web" is now critical

:exclamation: Consul's DNS server only returns healthy results.

:shipit: Query DNS for the web service again. It shouldn't return any IP addresses since web's health check is failing.

dig @ -p 8600 web.service.consul


You can find a complete list of service registration fields in the API documentation https://www.consul.io/api/agent/service.html, or learn more about health checks in the [check definition documentation https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/checks.html.

Connect Services - Service Mesh

Consul's service mesh control plane called Consul Connect, allows you to secure and observe network traffic between your services, and allow or deny inter-service communication.

Consul Connect is a service mesh control plane that provides service-to-service connection authorization and encryption using mutual TLS.

In addition to providing IP addresses directly to services with the DNS interface or HTTP API, Consul can connect services to each other via sidecar proxies that you deploy locally with each service instance https://www.consul.io/docs/connect/proxies.html. This type of deployment (local proxies that control network traffic between service instances) is a service mesh. Because sidecar proxies connect your registered services, Consul's service mesh feature is called Consul Connect.

Connect lets you secure and observe communication between your services without modifying their code. Instead Connect configures sidecar proxies to establish mutual TLS between your services and either allow or deny communication between them based on their registered names. Because sidecar proxies control all service-to-service traffic, they can gather metrics about it and export them to a third party aggregator like Prometheus.

You can also natively integrate native https://www.consul.io/docs/connect/native.html applications with Consul Connect for optimal performance and security.

:warning: Security Warning: This guide demonstrates Connect features with a dev-mode agent for simplicity, which is not a production-recommended secure way to deploy Connect. Please read the Connect production guide https://www.consul.io/docs/guides/connect-production.html to learn about securely deploying Connect.

Registering services that use Connect is similar to registering services normally. In this guide you will:

  1. Start a service.
  2. Register it normally, but with an additional connect stanza.
  3. Register a second proxy to communicate with the service.
  4. Start sidecar proxies.
  5. Practice blocking the connection to the service by creating an intention.

Start a Connect-unaware Service

Use socat https://medium.com/@copyconstruct/socat-29453e9fc8a6 to start a basic echo service, which will act as the "upstream" service in this guide. In production, this service would be a database, backend, or any service which another service relies on.

Socat lacks a concept of encryption or the TLS protocol. You will use it to demonstrate that Connect takes care of these concerns for you.

:shipit: Start the socat service and specify that it will listen for TCP connections on port 8181.

socat -v tcp-l:8181,fork exec:"/bin/cat"

:shipit: verify it's working with netcat

nc 8181

Register the Service and Proxy with Consul

:shipit: Register a sidecar proxy to handle traffic for the socat service instance https://www.consul.io/docs/connect/registration/sidecar-service.html

echo '{
  "service": {
    "name": "socat",
    "port": 8181,
    "connect": { "sidecar_service": {} }  
}'      > ./consul.d/socat.json

:shipit: reload the new socat configuration

consul reload

:exclamation: Consul comes with a L4 proxy for testing purposes, and first-class support for Envoy https://www.envoyproxy.io/, which you should use for production deployments and layer 7 traffic management.

:exclamation: You'll use the L4 proxy in this guide, because, unlike Envoy, it comes with Consul and doesn't require any extra installation.

:shipit: Start the proxy process, and specify which service instance and proxy registration it corresponds to.

consul connect proxy -sidecar-for socat

Register a Dependent Service and Proxy

:shipit: Register a downstream service called "web" that specifies web's upstream dependency on socat, and the port that the proxy will listen on.

echo '{"service": {
        "name": "web",
        "port": 8080,
        "connect": {
          "sidecar_service": {
            "proxy": {
              "upstreams": [{
                 "destination_name": "socat",   # dependency on socat service
                 "local_bind_port": 9191        # listen on port 9191
    }' > ./consul.d/web.json

:shipit: reload the new web service definition

consul reload

If we were running a real web service it would talk to its proxy on a loopback address. The proxy would encrypt its traffic and send it over the network to the sidecar proxy for the socat service.

Socat's proxy would decrypt the traffic and send it locally to socat on a loopback address at port 8181.

Because there is no web service running, you will pretend to be the web service by talking to its proxy on the port that we specified (9191).

:shipit: Verify that you aren't able to connect to the socat service on port 9191. The below command should exit immediately, because there is nothing listening on port 9191 socat is listening on 8181.

nc 9191

:shipit: Start the web proxy using the configuration from the sidecar registration.

consul connect proxy -sidecar-for web

:flashlight: Note in the first log line that the proxy setup a local listener on port 9191 that will proxy to the socat service just as we configured in the sidecar registration.

Subsequent log lines list the identity URL of the certificate loaded from the agent, identifying it as the "web" service, and the set of trusted root CAs that the proxy knows about.

:shipit: Connect to socat again on port 9191. This time it should work and echo back your text.

nc 9191

:shipit: Close the connection by typing Crl+c.

:flashlight: The communication between the web and socat proxies is encrypted and authorized over a mutual TLS connection, while communication between each service and its sidecar proxy is unencrypted. In production, services should only accept only loopback connections. Any traffic in and out of the machine should travel through the proxies and therefore would always be encrypted.

:warning: Security note: The Connect security model requires trusting loopback connections when you use proxies. To further secure loopback connections you can use tools like network namespacing.

Control Communication with Intentions

Intentions https://www.consul.io/docs/connect/intentions.html define which services are allowed communicate with which other services. The connections above succeeded because in development mode, the ACL system (and therefore the default intention policy) is "allow all" by default.

:shipit: Create an intention to deny access from web to socat that specifies policy, and the source and destination services.

consul intention create -deny web socat

:shipit: The connection should fail.

nc 9191

:shipit: Delete the intention.

consul intention delete web socat

:shipit: Try the connection again, and it will succeed.

nc 9191

Intentions allow you to segment your network much like traditional firewalls, but they rely on the services' logical names (for example "web" or "socat") rather than the IP addresses of each individual service instance.

:warning: Changing intentions does not affect existing connections with the current version of Consul. You must establish a new connection to see the effects of a changed intention.


Add to Consul KV - Service Configuration

In addition to providing

Consul includes a key value store, which you can use to

There are two ways to interact with the Consul KV store: the HTTP API and the CLI. In this guide we will use the CLI.

See the HTTP API documentation https://www.consul.io/api/kv.html to learn how applications and services can interact with Consul KV.

Add Data

First, insert or "put" some values into the KV store with the consul kv put command. The first entry after the command is the key, and the second entry is the value.

:shipit: Insert put some values

consul kv put redis/config/minconns 1

consul kv put redis/config/maxconns 25

:shipit: set a flag which isn't used internally, but can add metadata

consul kv put -flags=42 redis/config/users/admin abcd1234

Query Data

:shipit: Query with get

consul kv get redis/config/minconns

:shipit: Query including flag metadata

consul kv get -detailed redis/config/users/admin

:shipit: list all keys in the store recursively

consul kv get -recurse

Delete Data

:shipit: Delete a key from the Consul KV store

consul kv delete redis/config/minconns

:flashlight: Consul lets you interact with keys in a folder-like way. Although all the keys in the KV store are actually stored flat, Consul allows you to manipulate keys that share a certain prefix as a group, as if they were in folders or subfolders.

:shipit: Delete all the keys with the redis prefix using the recurse option.

consul kv delete -recurse redis

Modify Existing Data

:shipit: Update the value of an existing key.

consul kv put foo bar

:shipit: Get the updated key.

consul kv get foo 

:shipit: Put the new value at an extant "path".

consul kv put foo zip

:shipit: Check the updated path.

consul kv get foo


HTTP API documentation https://www.consul.io/api/kv.html

CLI documentation https://www.consul.io/docs/commands/kv.html.

Explore the Consul UI

Consul's web UI allows you to view and interact with Consul via a graphical user interface.

:exclamation: If you were running Consul in production you would need to enable the UI in Consul's configuration file or using the -ui command line flag, but because your agent is running in development mode, the UI is automatically enabled.

Visit a live demo-instance https://demo.consul.io/ui/dc1/services of the Consul Web UI to explore the steps in this guide.

For local UI access http://localhost:8500/ui

View Services

Service Page

The landing page for the UI is the services page, which gives you a list of all registered services including their health, tags, type, and source. You can click on a specific service to learn more about its instance count, the health of individual instances, and which agent each instance is registered with.

You can filter the services visible on the page based on their name, tag, status, or other search terms.

Try it: filter for sidecar services by typing sidecar in the search bar and pressing the enter key.

You can learn about individual services by clicking on them.

Try it: click on the web-sidecar-proxy service to explore what information is available. Now select the one listed instance of the web-sidecar-proxy service to see what information is available on an instance-to-instance basis.

View Nodes

Next click on the "Nodes" option in the pink top navigation bar to go to the nodes page. There you'll find an overview of the entire datacenter including the health status of each node. You can select individual nodes to learn about their health checks, registered services, round trip time, and lock sessions.

You can also filter the nodes by heath status, or search for them in the search bar.

Try it: Select the nodes page from the top menu bar and click on your local machine.

Manage the Key-Value Store

In the top navigation, click "Key/Value" to view the page for Consul KV. If you are using the same agent that from previous guides, you should see one key, foo.

Key Value

The keys page has a folder-like structure. Objects appear nested according to their key prefix. For example, you could have a folder for each application, business function, or a nested combination of the two.

Try it: From the main page, click the blue "Create" button to add a new key-value pair. Call the key redis/user with a value Alice. Now create another pair with the key redis/password and the value 123. On the main page, notice that there is only one new entry, called "redis", with a folder icon next to it.

When you are clicked into a folder, Consul will automatically nest new keys under that folder, without you needing to type the prefix.

Manage Access Control Lists

Consul uses Access Control Lists (ACLs) to secure the UI, API, CLI, service communications, and agent communications. You need to configure ACLs https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/security-networking/production-acls in your Consul datacenter to secure it for production, however, on your development agent they aren't enabled, so the there isn't much to see on your "ACL" page at the moment.

You can secure the UI itself with ACLs, by limiting read, write, and update permissions for the various pages in the UI. You do this by creating a token with the appropriate permissions, and adding it to the UI under the ACL page https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/security-networking/production-acls#consul-ui-token. To remove access, simply select "Stop using" from your tokens action menu in the token list.

Security Warning: The browser can store tokens that you add to the UI.

Manage Intentions

Click on the "Intentions" menu item to navigate to the intentions page in the UI. There aren't any intentions there yet, but if you are still running the same agent that you used for the previous guides, you can create an intention to block communication between your web and socat services.


Try it: Click on the blue "Create" button. On the creation page set the source service to "web" and the destination to "socat". Make a deny intention. Open a terminal window and try to connect to to the socat service with the command nc 9191. It should exit immediately. Now on the main intentions page, click on the "..." menu item at the right of the new intention. Delete it and try to connect again. This time it should succeed.

Adjust UI Settings

Click on "Settings" at the far-right of the menu bar. Here you can edit the UI's settings.

If you have set up a metrics dashboard to monitor your services, you can add a link on the settings page that will auto-populate placeholders for there service name and datacenter, and link out to each service's metrics from its UI page.

You can also choose whether or not you would like to set up a blocking query to update the UI in real time, rather than upon refresh. This is off by default because it can have performance implications.

UI Task Table

As you may have noticed, some pages of the web UI are read-only, while others are interactive. Below is a table with the CRUD actions available for each page.

Page Action
Services Read
Nodes Read
Key/Value Create, Read, Update, Delete
Intentions Create, Read, Update, Delete
ACLs Create, Read, Update, Delete

Next Steps

Now that you are comfortable navigating the UI, try using the Consul CLI https://www.consul.io/docs/commands/index.html to accomplish the same tasks we listed here.

So far you have explored the core functionality of Consul, including service discovery, securing services with a mesh, and using the key value store. Continue to the next guide to learn how to set up a Consul datacenter by joining multiple Consul agents together.

:warning: The next guide relies on VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/, and Vagrant https://www.vagrantup.com/ to run multiple Consul agents on your computer at once.

Create a Local Consul Datacenter

Now that you have practiced using Consul, it's time to learn a bit more about how Consul operates. In this guide, you'll create your first datacenter with multiple members.

:flashlight: When a new Consul agent starts, it doesn't know about other agents; it is essentially a datacenter with one member. Agents learn about each other in two ways.

To add a new agent to an existing datacenter you give it the IP address of any other agent in the datacenter (either a client or a server), which causes the new agent to join the datacenter.

Once the agent is a member of the new datacenter, it automatically learns about the other agents via gossip.

Set Up the Environment

:exclamation: Consul is a distributed application that is designed to have one agent per machine.

To run two agents on the same computer you will need to install VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/, and Vagrant https://www.vagrantup.com/, which will run virtual machines to simulate a distributed environment.

:shipit: Make a directory to store Vagrant's configuration for this guide.

mkdir consul-getting-started-join

:shipit: Create a new file in the directory called Vagrantfile and paste the content of Consul's demo Vagrant file https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/master/demo/vagrant-cluster/Vagrantfile into it.

:shipit: Boot your two virtual machines.

vagrant up

:shipit: Once the environment is up, ssh into node 1 to begin configuring of your datacenter.

vagrant ssh n1

Start the Agents

:shipit: Start 1st (Vagrant) Consul agent in server mode

consul agent \
      -server \
      -bootstrap-expect=1 \
      -node=agent-one \
      -bind= \
      -data-dir=/tmp/consul \

:shipit: Connect to 2nd agent

vagrant ssh n2

:shipit: Start 2nd agent in client mode

consul agent \
      -node=agent-two \
      -bind= \
      -enable-script-checks=true \
      -data-dir=/tmp/consul \

Now you have two Consul agents running: one server and one client. The two agents still don't know about each other and each comprise their own single-node datacenters.

:shipit: Verify 2nd agent does not know about 1st agent

vagrant ssh n2

consul members

:shipit: Check the membership of agent-one.

vagrant ssh n1

consul members
Node       Address            Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC   Segment
agent-one  alive   server  1.5.3  2         dc1  <all>

Join the Agents

:shipit: In 1st vagrant, join the client

consul join

:shipit: Run consul members again and you will see both agents listed.

consul members
Node       Address            Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC   Segment
agent-one  alive   server  1.5.3  2         dc1  <all>
agent-two  alive   client  1.5.3  2         dc1  <default>

:exclamation: Consul clients can not function without a server. All datacenters must have at least one agent running in server mode for Consul to function correctly.

:exclamation: In datacenters with more than one server, more than half of the servers must be in communication with each other at all times for the datacenter to function correctly. This is called maintaining quorum. https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html.

:flashlight: To join a datacenter, a Consul agent only needs to learn about one other existing member, which can be a client or a server. After joining the datacenter, the agents automatically gossip with each other to propagate full membership information.

Notes on Auto-join

:exclamation: In production, new Consul agents should automatically join the datacenter without human intervention. You can configure Consul to automatically discover new agents in AWS, Google Cloud or Azure by adding the relevant cloud auto join https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/cloud-auto-join.html object to your Consul configuration file. This will allow a new node to join the datacenter without any hard-coded configuration.

Alternatively, you can provide hard-coded addresses of known Consul agents to new agents using the -join flag https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options.html#_join or start_join setting https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options.html#start_join.

Query a Node

You can query Consul agents using the DNS interface or HTTP API.

:exclamation: For the DNS API, the structure of the names is NAME.node.consul or NAME.node.DATACENTER.consul. If the datacenter is omitted, Consul will only search the local datacenter.

:shipit: From Vagrant 1, query the DNS interface for the address of agent-two.

dig @ -p 8600 agent-two.node.consul

The ability to look up nodes in addition to services is useful for system administration, in addition to service discovery.

:flashlight: For example, knowing the address of the node to SSH into is as easy as making the node a part of the Consul datacenter and querying it.

Stop the Agents

:shipit: Stop agents from within the vagrant sessions

consul leave

Clean Up the Environment

:shipit: Shut down vagrant sessions

vagrant destroy

Next Steps