CEO User Guide

By: Adam Nathan, Almanac

šŸ‘‹ tl;dr: A user guide to working with me

Being a CEO is the dream of a lifetime for me. I care deeply about being a great one. My goal is to earn and retain your trust and respectā€”and for you to earn and retain mine.

This is a guide to how I operate. Itā€™s intended to provide extreme transparency so you can succeed in getting what you need and request from me. Itā€™s a living doc, so please ā€œsuggest changesā€ to comment or add in something for othersā€™ benefit!

šŸ“ŗ Communicating with me




Following up

ā›µ Reporting to me



Priorities & Tracking



ā›°ļø Professional Development

ā›·ļø Feedback

Feedback is hard! I strongly encourage you to read Radical Candor; Almanac will reimburse you for it. Itā€™s the best book on the topic of interpersonal relationships at work.

From you to me

From me to you

šŸ“ For Almanac Execs

Contributing to the Exec team

Managing your team

šŸ„ā€ā™‚ļø My management style

šŸ™ My values

My values drive everything I do: how I use my time, how I make decisions, and how I interact with others:

šŸ’Ŗ My strengths

šŸ˜§ My weaknesses

First, some helpful context. I used to competitively ski race. The sport involves hitting as many poles as possible as quickly as possibleā€”while flying down an icy slope on thin metal edges. All that practice has become part of my approach to work and life, which can lead to:

Some of these qualities can make a good entrepreneur, but they also have a dark side if not applied correctly. If you feel I cross the line on any of these, please give me feedback (see above) or jokingly call me out by saying, "Adam, this isn't skiing!"

An important interpersonal weakness to be aware of:

ā€œI am humanā€ disclaimers:

Sustainability rainbow

With my executive coach, I often use a color code to communicate how Iā€™m doing. This helps to contextualize everything I say afterwards with my emotional state. Iā€™m sharing this for transparency; feel free to ask me how Iā€™m doing, or share where you are during a 1:1!

šŸø Logistics

Script: Internal CEO/Employee 1:1s at Almanac

Your choice: anything on your list v. my questions

Tactical feedback

Team feedback

Developmental feedback

Company feedback